class: title
Accessibility with<br>CSS & HTML
Garrick Aden-Buie & Silvia Canelón
Professional, Polished, Presentable
--- class: header_background f6 # Let's do this together! Restart your R session <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>F10</kbd> .mt4[ Open `07-accessibility-css-html/07-start.Rmd` ] .mt4[ Run `xaringan::infinite_moon_reader()` to preview your slides ] --- # Adding alt-text with HTML .f6[ We can add alt-text to an `<img>` tag using raw HTML<br>by using the `alt` attribute ```html <img src="common-black-lemur.jpg" alt="Common black lemur with a millipede in one hand and flies hovering overhead" /> ``` ] .footnote[Resource: [Alternative text basics by WebAIM](] --- class: f6 middle ##
Fun fact .pull-left[ Common black lemurs will coax toxic millipedes to release toxins 🐛... ...and then will use these toxins as insect repellant<br>by rubbing the millipedes all over their fur! ] .pull-right[ <img src="assets/img/common-black-lemur.jpg" alt="Common black lemur with a millipede in one hand and flies hovering overhead" width="400px" /> ] --- class: header_background f6 # Replace the alt-text in slide 3 .pull-left[ .mt4[ In the slide titled "Common black lemurs are sexually dichromatic," .b[replace]:] <div class="mt4 pre-name">07-start.Rmd</div> ```html alt = "Common black lemur with a millipede in one hand and flies hovering overhead" ``` ] .pull-right[ .mt4[ .b[With this alternative] that better matches the information being conveyed:] <div class="mt4 pre-name">07-start.Rmd</div> ```html alt = "Female common black lemur with brown-orange fur and white ear tufts" ``` ] --- class: f6 name: special-attributes # Adding alt text to background images ###
What if we need to add alt-text to background images? We can use the `<span>` tag and some special attributes like `role` and `aria-label` ```html <span role="img" aria-label="Male common black lemur with rich black fur covering their entire body, and black ear tufts"></span> ``` --- class: f7 ##
In practice: <div class="mt4 pre-name">07-start.Rmd</div> ``` --- class: bottom background-image: url(common-black-lemur-male.jpg) background-size: cover # Adding<br>alt-text to<br>background<br>images <span role="img" aria-label="Male common black lemur with rich black fur covering their entire body, and black ear tufts"></span> --- ``` --- class: bottom background-image: url(assets/img/common-black-lemur-male.jpg) background-size: cover # Adding<br>alt-text to<br>background<br>images <span role="img" aria-label="Male common black lemur with rich black fur covering their entire body, and black ear tufts"></span> --- class: f6 # Styling links so that color<br>is not the only indicator <style type="text/css"> .ul { text-decoration: underline; } </style> Links should be easy to identify among non-link content,<br>like with .ul[text underlining] We can use the [text-decoration CSS property]( to <br>style the `a` (anchor) element. ```css a { text-decoration: underline; } ``` --- class: header_background f6 # Apply underlining to your link text 1\. .b[Navigate to the slide] titled "Styling links" 2\. .b[Paste the CSS rule into `extra.css`] and save to update <div class="mt4 pre-name">extra.css</div> ```css a { text-decoration: underline; } ``` --- class: f6 # Transforming text to uppercase We can style text with .b.upper[UPPERCASE] for emphasis or aesthetics. Typing capitalized letters individually can cause<br> [screen readers to read each letter individually](, like an acronym. We can apply .upper[UPPERCASE] styling using the<br> [text-transform CSS property]( ```css .upper { text-transform: uppercase; } ``` --- class: f6 middle The `.upper[]` class produces .upper[Capitalized Words]<br> that still read like case-sensitive text to a screen reader ```css .upper { text-transform: uppercase; } ``` .b[Behind the scenes:] ```html <span class="upper"> Capitalized Words</span> ``` --- class: header_background f6 # Apply an uppercase transformation 1\. .b[Navigate to the slide] titled "Transforming text to uppercase" 2\. .b[Paste the following rule into `extra.css`] and save to update <div class="mt4 pre-name">extra.css</div> ```css .upper { text-transform: uppercase; } ``` --- class: f6 ##
In practice: .pull-left[ <div class="mt4 pre-name">07-start.Rmd</div> ```md Hello there, I'm transforming .upper[this text] to uppercase ``` ] .mt5.f6[ .pull-right[ Hello there, I'm transforming .upper[this text] to uppercase ] ] .footnote[.b[Tip:] [Apply uppercase text judiciously]( because it can reduce legibility] --- class: f6 # Using icons like
Wikipedia W
with context in mind .code.b[fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="sem")
Wikipedia W
] "sem" is short for "semantic" A .b[screen reader] will read the icon title text, like "Wikipedia W" ```r fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="sem") ``` --- class: f6 .b[R code:] ```r fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="sem") ``` .b[Behind the scenes:] ```html <svg aria-label="Wikipedia W" img="role" ...more SVG properties...> <title>Wikipedia W</title> </svg> ``` --- class: f6 # Using icons like
Wikipedia W
with context in mind .code.b[fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="deco")
] "deco" is short for "decorative" and the argument<br>`a11y = "deco"` is the default A .b[screen reader] will skip over a decorative icon ```r fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="deco") ``` .footnote[.b[Tip:] A decorative icon (or image) is appropriate only when it is .b[not] the only element conveying necessary information] --- class: f6 .b[R code:] ```r fontawesome::fa("wikipedia-w", a11y="deco") ``` .b[Behind the scenes:] ```html <svg aria-hidden="true" img="role" ...more SVG properties...> </svg> ``` --- class: f6 # Using icons like
Wikipedia W
with context in mind ### Raw <i class="fab fa-wikipedia-w"></i> HTML .code.b[`<i class="fab fa-wikipedia-w"></i>`] <i class="fab fa-wikipedia-w"></i> A .b[screen reader] will skip an icon with the basic HTML readily available on the [FontAwesome website]( .mt4[ ```html <i class="fab fa-wikipedia-w"></i> ``` ] .mt4[We could add [accessibility attributes](#special-attributes) like `role` and<br> `aria-label` to make icon to be accessible on its own] --- class: header_background, middle, center, f6 # We are finished with this scene! ##
[materials/act-03/07-accessibility-css-html](/materials/act-03/07-accessibility-css-html/#activity) Leverage CSS and HTML to help make<br>slide customizations more accessible