01: Setting the stage

By Garrick Aden-Buie & Silvia Canelón


We will review some of the built-in features of the xaringan and use xaringan::infinite_moon_reader() to render a live preview of the slides for quick iterations.


Time10 minutes
Activity ModeBreak out room & work with your group

Open and preview this slide deck: 01-introduction/01-start.Rmd

Restart your R session and run xaringan::infinite_moon_reader() to preview the slides rendered in HTML.

xaringan scavenger hunt!

Explore the HTML slide deck and see if you can identify the following classes and features built into xaringan, then check the Rmd file to see if you were correct.

  • lists (ordered and unordered)
  • quotes inserted with >
  • .pull-left[] and .pull-right[]
  • .left-column[] and .right-column[]
  • .right[]
  • .footnote[]
  • images inserted with background-image: or ![alt](url)
  • slide classes like inverse, middle, center
  • horizontal bars using ---
  • presenter notes using ??? (hint: press the letter P)

Bonus: Play around with some of the YAML parameters